New Features
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New Features

January, 2000.  Online cupping form.  Useful for first time cupping and for a clean printout of cupping results.  Click here.

January, 2000.  Revised espresso section including new pictures of tamping, extracting, and milk texturing.  Short training videos are available for download covering the topics of tamping, extracting, and milk texturing.

April, 2000.  Over the next year this web site will expand dramatically.  With funding provided by the Watson Foundation, I will travel to Brazil, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Italy, and Vienna to study the art and chemistry of espresso.  Please check back weekly, as I will be continuously adding information and videos as I travel.  For details on my travel you can read my Watson Proposal here.

June, 2000.  I has switched Internet hosts so that I now have 500 Mb of space available for  With this space you should see the addition of more and higher quality videos, better pictures, and more content.  I have updated the tamping page and plan to update every section in the espresso portion of the site by the end of July.  I have also been adding text to the Agriculture section of the site.  At the same time I have also been learning Flash.  Expect to see enhanced interactivity in the following months. has now been purchased.  Check back for updates on my plans for the site.

October, 2000.  Nearly every page in has been updated since the summer.  New subsections have been added to the main coffee, espresso, and agriculture sections.  A new main section entitled "Politics" has been added to discuss some of the political issues involved with coffee.  In fact nearly 300 Mb of new information, videos, and pictures have been uploaded.  The first issue of the Coffeeresearch newsletter was also issued and distributed to those signed up on e-mail four weeks before appearing on the site.  I have also bought a new digital camera (Nikon 990), which will be used to create a library of thousands of high quality digital pictures related to coffee.  Look for these features in the coming months as well as new content as I continue traveling to coffee producing regions. 

November, 2000.  Another group of files have been uploaded and many have been altered.  A coffee tour has been added for a brief tour of coffee and this web site  A new subsection on coffee markets under "Politics" has been added.  Many sections in Agriculture have been updated including "processing" with new videos and a new Flash movie of bean development.  A new section describing how to grow coffee at home has also been added.

December, 2000.  Since my travels around the coffee producing world, this web site has been receiving up to 4,000 hits per day.  The welcome page has been redesigned using flash and slowly flash changes will be implemented throughout the site.  If you do not have flash you will be automatically redirected to the old site.  However, I will not continue to update the html only version of the site since my Flash documents are smaller, faster, and more interactive.  I have made available over 200 pictures in the picture gallery for free usage.

February, 2001. My travels to coffee producing countries has reached an end and I am now wandering through Italy in the search for espresso perfection. To mark the transition I have launched II. The entire site has been redesigned using the latest technology to be easier to browse and better organized. To view the new site you will need to activate javascript and have the Flash 4 player installed. If you do not have these you will automatically be taken to the old site, but these sections will no longer be updated. A more extensive look at the New York "C" is on the way as is more detailed information aimed at coffee buyers and coffee producers. has also been launched and the same content can be accessed from either site.

April, 2001. II has been a huge success reaching up to 10,000 hits per day. The content has not changed since February so for this update we have revamped the entire site and added a more in-depth look at the New York Coffee Exchange. Our goal over the next several months is to go back to the pages that have already been created and make them more detailed and more useful. Thank you for your continued support.

September, 2001. has been entirely revamped to allow Netscape and I.E. users to view the same content. The menu system has been redone to allow more information to be viewed at 800x600 resolution. Additionally, several new coffee science sections have been added. Nearly every page in the site has been updated with recommended links to other files within the site. This improvement has led to record hits numbering over 100,000 per week from nearly 1,500 unique users.

December, 2001.  New content is again being added to  Additionally we are preparing to offer advertising options and sell some hard to find equipment and books.    For a brief time we had over 25,000 hits per day.  As the search engines change their placement algorithms we continue to fluctuate between 10,000-20,000 hits per day.  With the profits from advertising we will reinvest in advertising for this site.  We have also recently acquired other domain names to increase our presence on the Internet and to target various consumer groups.  Please check back soon as we continue to make these improvements or signup for our newsletter and be the first to know about any new content that is added.

July, 2003. It has been two years since the has been revamped. We have updated the basic content, initiated an advertising campaign, and plan on expanding several sections in the coming months. Hits now exceed 30,000 per day and we plan to increase this even further. The most significant changes in the short term will be a more accessible home page and expanded photo library.


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